Apr 5Liked by Allison Kirkland

Great list! And *still* one of the pieces missing from my own writing. Part of my challenge is something you note which is trust. I don't want to be among strangers, "even" if they are other writers. Don't want to be with a group of AMAB guys (I'm also not interested in retreats with dudes). And do want writers who write creative non fiction. So it's been a puzzle! And one I will not solve before I leave for a year so I'll tackle it again when I get back. Appreciate this post, Allison.

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Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for commenting. You make so many good points here. There are definitely seasons for being a part of a writing group, and seasons where it's impossible or just not the right thing for the type of project you're working on.

My writing groups are only for women and nonbinary writers. I have been in workshop with lots of talented cis male writers who can provide constructive feedback, but I do find that when it comes to writing, especially memoir and nonfiction, it can be freeing for women writers to be in community with each other.

Lastly, I can understand you not wanting to workshop with strangers. There's always a risk there! And it doesn't always pay off. However, when I first begin workshopping with a new group of writers -- many of whom are strangers to each other -- I make sure that the writer being workshopped has a lot of agency over the experience. They are always welcome to let the group know right away what kind of feedback they don't want. They get to declare their boundaries and I must make sure those boundaries are respected. That's part of my job as the facilitator and instructor. I've seen it time and time again - over time, and while building trust, a group of strangers becomes bonded and is able to work together constructively and with great respect.

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Apr 8Liked by Allison Kirkland

Thanks for your patience in hearing my thoughts here, Allison. Leading groups can be really hard and I'm grateful for your sharing bit more about how you keep participants safe. I bet I'm not the only one reading this thankful for that! Hopefully some day I can get to one of your offerings.

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It's helpful for me to hear your thoughts, as they are representative of what many writers grapple with when thinking of joining a writing group. Thanks so much for sharing them!

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Love this!

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Thank you Liddy! I'm so thrilled that you're a part of the Monday Night Writers.

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