I got SO excited reading this Allison. YES A MEMOIR BY ALLISON KIRKLAND. (I think many people actually HAVE asked you to write this.... if I remember grad school correctly) :P

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Thank you so much Maggie! And, yes, I suppose indirectly many people asked for my memoir back in graduate school, but it's funny how I couldn't actually receive a lot of that positive encouragement at the time. All part of the journey, I suppose. :)

It's exciting to see how members of our thesis group have grown as writers over the years. I am so excited for YOUR book ... in fact, I just pre-ordered it right this minute.

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This really spoke to me! TY.

"You’re free to roll your eyes when I tell you that I’ve gotten so much more. Nobody has asked for this memoir, and so I might not ever know if it changes the world. But, already, it has changed me." <3

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Thanks so much Caitlin. I'm so curious to know if you've had a similar experience working on your memoir. It's as much about the writing as what happens outside of the writing -- at least for me.

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Absolutely! I figured out what happened to me through the act of writing (paired with therapy). I am a new person. So grateful for that. Some days that’s enough, other days I despair about my desire to share my story and help/move others, but the fear that it won’t happen. This week it’s been more despair!!

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May 2Liked by Allison Kirkland

This. Is. Everything. Thanks for saying it so clearly, with so much heart. Keep writing, friend 💜

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Thank you thank you thank you for always reminding us that #writingisjoy

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May 2Liked by Allison Kirkland

I've actually read this twice! I've been hoping for a memoir update and good golly, did I get it! Hooray for you, Allison. Also, the idea of discovering that you are different than you thought you were has such a wild, free energy that I feel "even" as a witness to what you have shared here. And also birthed an "aha!" moment for me.

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Thank you for letting me know that it resonated with you! Bringing forth an "aha moment" for another writer --- wow, that's a compliment. Thank you!

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May 2Liked by Allison Kirkland

AND- so much to say- I remember our/ social media thoughts on comments and appreciate you circling back with an update.

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